Phone: (480)882-9553 Fax: (480)882-3488

State of Arizona Register of Contractor (ROC):
ROC291815 (K-21 Dual Landscaping)
ROC291814 (KA Dual Engineering)

State of Arizona Office of Pest Management (OPM):
OPM 9296 (B3 Weeds & B5 Turf and Ornamental Pest Control)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


This has been a fairly wet year so far, rain counts at Sky Harbor don’t conform that, but the weeds starting to pop up everywhere do. Sense it has been a lot of little rains, the water isn’t getting to deep in most places, which means herbaceous not woody weeds. This is better, because they are easier to control. There are two main classes of Herbicide (Weed killers) are Pre-emergent’s and Post emergent’s.

Pre-emergent’s are to be sprayed on the ground before you can see weeds. They help “prevent”/reduce new weeds. The more frequent they are applied with the correct timing, the better the results, they’re most effective closest to application. Sense most of the pre-emergent’s have 4 month and 6 month mix ratios. My opinion is that it is best to do 3 properly time 4 month applications. Their seems to consistently be three wet periods in the Phoenix Valley: Late Winter/Early spring (February to Early April); Monsoon (July and August) and fall (Late October to Early December). That’s not to say they there is never rain in between. If your budget does not allow for 3 applications, two can be timed for decent results.

They are a few products out they that have Pre and post emergent property, because they are usually a mix of two or more chemical, they are more expensive and both are rarely needed everywhere on a property.

Post emergent’s kill existing weeds. Even with a pre-emergent plan, a few weeds might needs sprayed with a post emergent. If you are having a problem vegetative growth ([not from seed] Bermuda grass where you don’t want it) you will need a post emergent because pre-emergent will not control it.