Phone: (480)882-9553 Fax: (480)882-3488

State of Arizona Register of Contractor (ROC):
ROC291815 (K-21 Dual Landscaping)
ROC291814 (KA Dual Engineering)

State of Arizona Office of Pest Management (OPM):
OPM 9296 (B3 Weeds & B5 Turf and Ornamental Pest Control)

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Cleanup give away!

One free cleanup (up to 3 man hour) in Gilbert, Queen Creek or Chandler When we get to 50 page likes. Like our page and comment on this post. I will post when contest is close based on when I see 50 or more likes, then randomly free winner and pm for work location.


Monday, February 8, 2016

OK to start Cutbacks

We are going to start working freeze damage removals this week.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Spring Cleanup

Weather predictions  now have next Monday below freezing too, so cleanups and spring planting is still at least a couple of weeks off. If I had to guess we will keep putting off the cut-backs until march.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Predicting Weather

Predicting weather is not my strong suit but it needed for properly maintaining a landscape and managing transition such as winter overseeing. I did it a week too late on most of my properties this year. But just like the winter cut backs ( frost damage removal) its early to do too early. Looking are several different weather websites the middle of next week is either going to be near of below freezing, So my Cut backs are likely to start in a couple of weeks.